Key Instrument
A keyboard instrument is a musical instrument that is played using a keyboard. In fact, the keyboard is a row of lever keys that are pressed with the fingers. By pressing each key, a sound with a certain frequency is produced. In some of these instruments, sound is produced by wires, and in some, air is pumped by pipes to produce sound. A piano or a church organ are examples of keyboard instruments that work naturally without electricity. But in electronic keyboard instruments, the keyboards work with electric power and by pressing the keyboard keys, the notes are produced digitally and can be extended for an unlimited period of time. By using advanced types of electronic keyboards, you can create the sound of different instruments. Synthesizers and digital pianos can be mentioned among these instruments. There are several kinds of keys instrument but the most famous of them are Piano, Pipe organ, Accordion, Electronic Keyboard and Synthesizer, Celesta, and Harpsichord.