Another era of classical music is the classical period music. The classical period music, which is the shortest period of music, includes the years 1750 to 1820. This period is between the period of Baroque music and Romantic music. It was during the classical era that people expressed the ideas of human rights and freedom of religion. The classical era music is also called the Age of Enlightenment, and the reason for that is fundamental changes in social values.
Classical music characteristics
Composers usually wrote music works in the classical period in harmony and had a dominant melody. The counterpoint continued, and the variety and contrast in the pieces became greater than in the Baroque period. During this period, the orchestra became wider than before, and great changes were made in it. Wind instruments such as trumpet, clarinet, and flute were added to the orchestra.
In the classical period music, instrumental music was considered. Among the types of instrumental music, we can mention sonata, string quartet, symphony, and serenade. In the meantime, the sonata form became the most important form and was developed. The piano replaced the harpsichord in classical period music, and the harpsichord was no longer the basis of orchestral music.
In terms of texture, music during the classical period is clearer and simpler than the music of the Baroque era and is less complicated. Melodies in this era were shorter than pieces of music in the Baroque era. In the classical era music, the form of music was used differently. In this era, with the progress made in the order and structure of music making, the symphony form was created. Along with that, sonata and concerto forms were also developed.
The galant style was used in classical period music. Galant is a style that emphasizes the elegance and simplicity of the pieces. In the classical period, there was more variety in keys, melodies, and rhythms than in the Baroque era.
classical period composers wrote their pieces more precisely than before and with ornamentation and dynamics. In the classical era music, composers still worked for the court. But public concerts gradually became popular in Europe. Simple and clear music with catchy melodies attracted fans during the classical era music. Concert halls were built in public for the first time during the Baroque period. With the increase in the number of public concert halls, it became possible for people to see music performances up close.

Music during the classical period this incident greatly affected the popularity and availability of music. At the same time, the income of artists and composers also increased. Classical period composers and musicians of the classical period music were no longer only under the patronage of the church and the court and could earn money themselves.
Classical era music instruments
During the classical era music, the organ and harpsichord were no longer the center of attention, and wind instruments joined the string instruments and gave a new sound to the orchestras. In this era, the piano was the most important classical era music instrument for composers. Classical period composers wrote specific melodies for the instruments and determined which instruments to play in the accompaniment.
In the classical period music groups such as the string quartet were formed, which included two violins, viola, and cello, for which many works were written.
With the development of instruments during the classical era music, the orchestra also developed. The clarinet entered the woodwind section and made a significant change in the color of the orchestra’s sound.
Classical era music composers
The most famous classical period composers were members of the Viennese school. In the era of classical music, we see the flourishing of the symphony. A symphony is a large-scale orchestral composition. During classical period music, Haydn wrote more than a hundred symphonies.
In the classical era music, there were many famous composers. But Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven were among the most famous composers of the classical period. In the following, we will give a brief explanation of them.
Haydn Franz Joseph
Haydn is one of the classical period composers who was born in Austria in 1732. He started his musical career at the age of eight in the Vienna church choir. Haydn wrote hundreds of pieces for a variety of instrumental music such as symphonies and quartets. Haydn was a court musician for wealthy families and spent most of his professional life as such. In the classical era music, he was one of the most famous composers in Europe.
Haydn has created beautiful works in different genres, including seriousness and humor. Although Haydn did not create the symphony, people sometimes call him the father of the symphony. Haydn composed 106 symphonies. He helped shape the symphonic form into a form that was used for centuries. Haydn also helped create the modern sonata form and incorporated it into his symphonies and string quartets.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
One of the most important and famous classical period composers is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg. His extraordinary ability in music was shown from his childhood. Mozart started composing at the age of five. At the age of 17, he became a court musician in Salzburg.
Although his life was short, he maintained popularity throughout the ages with the works he created in classical era music. Their beautiful melodies and elegance made Mozart’s lasting works recorded in the world of music. These works indicated the creation of new styles in music. Among these styles, we can mention symphonic, concertante, opera, choral, and chamber music.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Another great composer of classical period music is Beethoven. He was born in Germany in 1770 but spent most of his life in Vienna. Beethoven was one of the most influential classical period composers and early romantic music. To this day, he is considered one of the greatest musicians of all time.
In this article, we tried to introduce you to the classical era music, which is the fourth era of classical music. As we said, music underwent many changes during this period. Concerts became public and musical forms, orchestras, and instruments all changed.
If you want to know more about the classical music eras, you can refer to the website.